
Our systems cover a wide range of treatments

Whether you offer a wide range of services or you specialise in a specific field we know we have the right aesthetic technology for your business. Take a look below for what our systems can treat for you.

post acne scars

Leave post-acne scars behind

Hair removal

Permanent reduction of unwanted hair in all skin types

Vein treatments

Reduce a wide range of facial and leg vein disorders in just a couple of non invasive treatments

Pigmentation and brown spots

Say ‘yes’ to an even skin tone and a clearer complexion

Skin rejuvenation

Clear, radiant and smooth texture

Fine lines, skin tightening and wrinkles

A multi technology approach for treating fine lines, deep wrinkles and stretch marks

Acne vulgaris

Get back to beautiful and smooth skin

Renaissance laser

Skin rejuvenation with laser to turn back time

Nail fungus

A drug free solution to get beautiful nails


Get rid of redness in just a couple of treatments