Forma System

The all in one aesthetic workstation

Forma System is a noninvasive device that houses four different technologies IPL, Bipolar RF, Ultra Sonic and Microdermabrasion.

Designed to perform the task of 4 devices in one it provides the modern practice with the complete treatment solution, and allows you to combine multi technological treatments to achieve the best results for your client.

Intense Pulsed Light

You receive 2 IPL applicators with the Forma System. Choose between 4 wavelengths and 3 sizes.  Featuring an ultra-short pulse technology allowing for faster and better results.

Pulse Density
Offering the highest pulse density in the market with up to 22J/cm² in under 5ms.
Wide Treatment Range
Expand your clinic offering with a wide range of advanced treatments.
3 Treatment Modes
Users can now choose between Single / Double / Fast mode, enabling up to 3Hz.
Ergonomic & Lightweight
Expand your clinic offering with a wide range of advanced treatments.
Contact cooling
Integrated contact cooling for maximum comfort
IPL Tip sizes
65 mm, 30 mm, 15 mm* HR / SR
16 square mm*

Pulse density matters

Not all IPL’s are the same. Formatk’s IPL range features the highest Pulse Density in the market (22J/cm² in 5 ms) providing faster visible results and a more comfortable treatment for your client.

Other treatments that come with the Forma System

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Dual operational Mode through continuous mode Bipolar RF treatment and Sonic ultrasound mode. Treatments of wrinkles, flaccid skin, post acne and noninvasive mesotherapy.


Diamond peeling applicator includes tips with 7 diff. polishing plates. Four sizes and four differ-ent abrasion surfaces. Skin polishing in various procedures such as post acne scars, age spots,skin preparation for mesotherapy / radio frequency or IPL treatment.

Skin tightening

Diamond peeling applicator includes tips with 7 diff. polishing plates. Four sizes and four differ-ent abrasion surfaces. Skin polishing in various procedures such as post acne scars, age spots,skin preparation for mesotherapy / radio frequency or IPL treatment.

Melanin meter

Take the guesswork out with our melanin meter*

A digital diagnostic instrument, making it easy to set treatment parameters in three simple steps.

*This is an optional extra.


"What we found very attractive about the Forma System, was that it had multiple modalities included within the same machine. By purchasing this very affordable unit, we not only were able to continue servicing our existing IPL Hair Removal & Skin Rejuvenation, but we were able to introduce more skin therapies as well. 
The results of the Forma System have exceeded beyond our expectations. It is by far the best IPL machine we have worked with for Hair Removal and Skin Rejuvenation. Our results with the facial treatment have been outstanding."
Kaaren Whale

What will this system cover in terms of treatments

Whether you offer a wide range of services or you specialise in a specific field we know we have the right aesthetic technology for your business. Take a look below for what our systems can treat for you.

post acne scars

Leave post-acne scars behind

Hair removal

Permanent reduction of unwanted hair in all skin types

Vein treatments

Reduce a wide range of facial and leg vein disorders in just a couple of non invasive treatments

Pigmentation and brown spots

Say ‘yes’ to an even skin tone and a clearer complexion

Skin rejuvenation

Clear, radiant and smooth texture

Fine lines, skin tightening and wrinkles

A multi technology approach for treating fine lines, deep wrinkles and stretch marks

Acne vulgaris

Get back to beautiful and smooth skin

Nail fungus

A drug free solution to get beautiful nails


Get rid of redness in just a couple of treatments